Health & wellness

History of Yoga And Its Meaning In Detail

Did you know that 21st of June is declared as the International Yoga Day? With rising awareness on Yoga, many of us have already signed up for some course or the other. Before we claim ourselves to have mastered the art, we need to know and understand the History of Yoga. From Where did Yoga begin? Who invented the art? What are the types of Yoga? and much more, there is an ocean of knowledge to learn about.

Yoga has become an inevitable part of human life, with its tentacles widespread across the world. It is now one of the most sought after classic mediums for rejuvenating the soul and body, in a wholesome way. Along with rendering physical and mental benefits, yoga is a spiritual healer as well, provided one follows it with utmost dedication and regularity.


Despite the absence of string evidences to support the origin, it has been acknowledged by everyone that the roots of this beautiful art form lie deep in Indian civilization. Yoga meaning in Sanskrit is union, that means getting one with the divine power. No wonder, yoga is now one of the most accepted forms of getting closer to human souls. Allow yourself to know more about the origin of Yoga and its history.

A Brief History of Yoga:

Here is a Yoga history summary that can interest you:

The Prehistoric Yoga:

Various seals collected from the remnants of Indus Valley Civilization establish the prevalence of yoga in that period itself. While scholars do suggest that the seals show close resemblances between various sitting and standing asanas, they also agree with the lack of conclusive evidences.

The Vedic Association:

The Vedic priests used to practice various yoga asanas, solely concentrating on the soul, positioning themselves in a specific posture while performing various rites and rituals. This, as studies suggest, are precursors of modern day yoga asanas. Vedic Brahmanas as well as Atharva Veda are rich with surplus references to the practices of various breath d vital energy controlling techniques, which now are commonly known as Pranayamas and Bandhas.

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