Health & wellness

Atmanjali Mudra – How To Do Steps And Benefits

Atmanjali Mudra Sign Of Respect :

Mudras have quite significant link to ancient Indian history. Many innovative activities are being linked to mudras or physical exercises. And most importantly mudras have become an inseparable portion of Indian lifestyle. We have been using mudras or yoga exercises since number of years to keep ourselves fit and healthy.


Asthma Mudra Meaning, Steps And Benefits

Meaning Of Asthma Mudra:

One of such indispensable mudra is Atmanjali Mudra. It is a hand gesture to show a token of respect to others. Atmanjali mudra is also known as “Namaskar Mudra”. Now, in Hindi we all know what namaskar actually means. So, let’s find out what is Atmanjali mudra meaning? It is a sign of showing respect and regards to the person who is standing in front of you. This is a hand gesture which is practised throughout Asia and even beyond that.

Read: Yoga Mudra and Back Pain

These significant mudra exercise or gesture is practised in multiple countries. Some are the immediate neighbors of India while some are distant like – Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand, Cambodia, laos, Burma and Indonesia. Other than this these respect and regard showing hand gesture is extremely popular in a number of eastern countries.

The other meaning or relevance of Atmanjali mudra can be worship. Because we fold hands before worshiping God or even our elders. In eastern tradition elders are also given equal respect and regards just like God. Also, other significant use of atmanjali mudra is before beginning or conclusion of any yoga asanas.

It is done in beginning in order to thank god and ask him for the strength and power to begin the exercise. I have also seen numerous people practising atmanjali mudra while the day begins. It is like a sun saturation or surya namaskar exercise. In this case we bow our heads and fold our hands towards the sun. This not is a gesture to thank god but also to welcome the day and the challenges ahead of it.

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