Health & wellness

9 Serious Saffron Side Effects – You Must Know

One of the most luxurious ingredients of the spice Kingdom is the Saffron. This rare spice is treasured for the rich colour and flavour it renders to the food. It has a plethora of medicinal properties and is widely used in the Ayurveda. Saffron also offers many cosmetic benefits and is best known for its skin lightening properties. Due to these immense advantages, many people overindulge in saffron without being aware of its side effects. An overdose of saffron can be dangerous to health, as it leads to numerous serious complications like indigestion, vision problems and sexual abnormalities. Read on to learn about saffron side effects in detail.


Side Effects Of Kesar Or Saffron:

The list below has some of the top known side effects of saffron that you can read through to broaden your knowledge about this spice. Check them out:

1. Warning For Pregnant Mothers and Lactating Women:

According to professionals, the consumption of saffron can be quite a risk for expecting mothers. This is also valid for mothers who are lactating and breastfeeding children. Saffron leads to contraction of the uterus muscles that can probably lead to miscarriages. The artificial agents in a lot of saffron nowadays can be risky for children taking breast milk so this should also be avoided. It is one of the major side effects of Saffron during pregnancy.

2. Leads To Bipolar Disorders:

Excitability and impulsiveness are two of the mood disorders that saffron is known to aggravate and thus lead to bipolar disorders. Also, people who already have this condition should completely stay away from saffron consumption. This is one of the lesser-known saffron disadvantages to our health.

3. Allergies:

A lot of people have shown allergies to saffron and this can lead to a lot of health problems. One may experience itching, irritation, rashes, redness and hives. Excess consumption can aggravate these allergic symptoms and hence you should do a patch test before using it on the skin directly. This is one of the saffron side effects on the skin.

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