Health & wellness

History of Yoga And Its Meaning In Detail

Kripalu Yoga:

This is a form of Yoga developed to seek spirituality. It involved mental awareness and self-realization than physical aspects. It is done with the help of Pranayama, Deep relaxation and meditation.

Jivamukti Yoga:

It is founded in 1949 by Sharon Ganon and David Life. It guides you on the Jivamukti style of life, which involves study of Sanskrit scriptures, poetry and music, along with asanas. One needs to be a vegetarian for practicing this.


We hope these aspects of Yoga facts and history, has stirred some interest in you. Along with these traditional methods of Yoga, there are many other practices like Goat yoga, Beer Yoga, aerial yoga and other unconventional forms. These are creative Yoga practices which are created to stir interest among people and motivate them to attend the classes. However, a conventional Yoga form is always the best, as it is backed with thorough research and scientific study. If you have any other tips and facts about Yoga to share, do let us know in the comments!

Frequency Asked Questions And Answers:

1. What The Importance of Om In Yoga?

Om is a special mantra, whose sound involves a particular vibration. This sound is in rhythm with the sounds of nature like the rustling of leaves, the sound of the sea waves etc., When we chant Omkara, we gain awareness on the movements of the universe, gain control on our breath and also seek a larger connection to our soul.

2. Is it Important to Practise Vegetarianism for Yoga?

One of the principles of Yoga is Ahimsa or Nonviolence. This, however does not directly interpret to not eating meat. It mainly points out to stop inflicting any sort of self-harm like physical or mental abuse of oneself. The choice is always upto you on how you take the point. Vegetarianism is a good practise that can positively impact your body. This may be why certain Yoga practitioners suggest following it.

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