Health & wellness

History of Yoga And Its Meaning In Detail

Yoga continues to flourish and spread its teachings, cutting across the stringent and impregnable boundaries of culture and language. Getting to know this beautiful art in detail is indeed beneficial. You can keep on talking about yoga… it is a never-ending and a rich topic for discussion. Start here, right away to know yoga in depth…

Types Of Yogas:

Here is a quick look into the most popular forms of Yoga invented across the world:


Hatha Yoga:

This is a blanket term that is used for all physical yoga practices. It focuses on breathing, postures and meditation. Hatha Yoga is great for relaxation and relief from physical and mental ailments.

Iyengar Yoga:

This form of Yoga gets its name from the founder B.K.S Iyengar. It is wonderful for relief from injuries and joint diseases. This Yoga involves right alignment of body using very careful moves. It also involves many props and is great for attaining flexibility and strength.

Kundalini Yoga:

This is one of the most complex forms of Yoga, which involves spiritual awakening. It is quite exhausting on the mind and body and involves a lot of breathing, mudras and meditation with chanting. It must be performed under the supervision of a trained Guru.

Ashtanga Yoga:

Also called the “Eight limb path”, Ashtanga Yoga is one of the most popular Yogawith celebrities. This is an advanced level Yoga, which involves many Surya namaskars and complex postures. It is also known by the term “Powder Yoga”.

Vinyasa Yoga:

This is a very complex procedure, which involves many postures. There are quick movements, where you cannot hold on to one pose for long. You need to jump from one pose to the other seamlessly, so the heart beat just goes very fast.

Bikram Yoga:

Originally created by Yoga Guru Bikram Choudhary, this practise is performed in a heated room of 41 degree Celsius in about 40 percent of humidity. It is a 90-minute sequence which involves 26 postures performed twice.

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