Health & wellness

15 Best Yoga Exercises for Your Face

Aging a natural process and we are all on our way to get old! While it is easy to say “Age gracefully”, noticing your beauty vanish can be quite hard to take. Your skin also gets older with you and loses elasticity. Instead of rushing to a doctor for a Botox filler, try Face Yoga! It is an all-natural, safe method to improve the flexibility of your skin and make it tight. Performing Face yoga regularly can reverse the signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, worry lines and crow’s feet. Let age be just a number for you with these effective face yoga exercises.


With lifestyle choices getting better by the day, one can make their face look very pleasant by styling. Using make up to make the face look appealing is one. Another way is to go for hairstyling. With recent hairstyles, one can highlight or hide their facial features. There is also the option that one might sort if nothing can be done but also comes at a very huge price, which is cosmetology.

While all these might not seem very easy on the pocket, one might still be able to define their facial features just by doing a few yoga exercises. Let us take a look at some of them.

Simple Yoga Exercises for Your Face:

1. Blowing Air:

To reduce chubbiness on your face, try this simple Yoga for a beautiful face.

How To Do:

  • Inhale as much air as you can into your mouth.
  • Now shift the air in your mouth from one side of the cheek to another, like how you might you clean your mouth with a mouthwash.


  • Best yoga for face fat burning
  • Contours your face
  • Reduces puffiness of your cheeks

2. Puckered Lips:

This face yoga method aims to tone your chin muscles and reduce your double chin.

How To Do:

  • Bring your lower lip over your upper lip and try to bring it as close to the nose as possible.
  • Hold this for at least 15 seconds.
  • Repeat the same 10 times.
  • One may feel slight jaw pain while doing this exercise.


  • Reduces double chin
  • Improves elasticity of skin around your mouth
  • Tones your jaw line

3. Sunken Cheeks:

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