Hair care

Sugar Scrub for Hair: How to Make and Benefits

There’s been some time since homemade recipes like sugar scrub have taken over the beauty routine of many women who like to take care of themselves, whether it be their skin, nail or hair.

Especially when it comes to our hair, several ingredients like sugar, Aloe vera juice, coconut etc have been making their way to the heads of many women who prefer to care for their locks in a more natural manner.


A few of them you’ve already seen here on the blog, like the Aloe Vera, rice water, the coconut milk and the cornstarch. In today’s article, you will learn more about hair moisturizing with sugar scrub.

That’s right! While it might need to be cut from your diet, the sweet crystals can be great allies for your hair’s health, restoring its softness and shine while reducing porosity and frizz. Take the hair porosity test and take better care of your hair.

Besides, sugar can also help “sealing” the hair cuticle and putting an end to the dreaded split ends. Would you like to know more about the benefits of sugar scrub for hair and how to do it at home? Then keep reading the next paragraphs of the article and I’ll tell you all about it!


Benefits of Sugar Scrub for Hair

Sugar scrub is beneficial for your hair as a moisturizer. If you out there dream of having shiny, silky and healthy-looking hair, moisturizing with sugar scrub will give you exactly that and more.

That is because this sweet and powerful ingredient is rich in B complex vitamins (like B1 and B2), vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and phosphorus, nutrients that are essential to our hair’s health and can strongly fight dryness, improve frizz and even act as a capillary scrub, getting rid of residues and giving your locks more shine, smoothness and a tidy look.

Besides, sugar also has an acid called PCA (pyrrolidone carboxylic acid) which is highly emollient. That means that as well as moisturizing hair and improving both frizz and split ends, the ingredient is also able to control the hair’s pH, sealing (closing) the hair cuticles, making them look neater.

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