
Eating Cheesecake During Pregnancy? How Safe Is It!

Cheesecake, who doesn’t like creamy cheesecakes. During pregnancy, the expectant mother will have some genuine cravings like eating spicy foods, chocolates, sometimes cheesecakes also. These cravings are because of the hormones kicking inside the body. Cheesecakes are usually rich in Vitamins and proteins that are helpful for the development of the baby present inside. The fat content present in the Cheesecake also helps in the weight gain of the baby present inside. This tasty, creamy dessert is both safe and unsafe to eat during pregnancy. It all depends on the cheese, a cake made from unpasteurized cheese is harmful during pregnancy. Also, cakes made with raw eggs are unsafe. Here in this article, we will discuss how safe is eating Cheesecake during pregnancy.


What is Cheesecake?

Cheesecake is a creamy filling dessert concocted using soft cheese and cream cheeses like mascarpone and ricotta. The lovely taste of the Cheesecake gets melted int your mouth. This can be consumed both baked and raw. The hunger pangs and the cravings during pregnancy will surely be taken care of by eating Cheesecake.

Is it Safe to Consume Cheesecake During Pregnancy?

But, the main question revolves in our head is that how safe is eating Cheesecake while pregnant. Many say that it is safe to eat Cheesecake during pregnancy, provided it should be taken in limited quantities. However, eating Cheesecake may also be unsafe if the unpasteurized cheese and raw eggs are used to prepare the Cheesecake. Moreover, unbaked cheesecakes are also unsafe; cakes that have been preserved in refrigerators for days can also be harmful during pregnancy. Hence, it can be said that cakes that are fully baked and fresh are quite safe to eat during pregnancy.

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What Kind of Cheesecakes to Eat During Pregnancy?

Most of the pregnant women have a question in their mind about the kinds of cheesecakes that can be eaten or avoided during pregnancy. Here we have a list of those cheesecakes which can be consumed during pregnancy.

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