College life

How to Write a Stellar CV (& My Top CV Tips from Experience)

This article will show you how to write a CV, plus some helpful CV tips to help you stand out from the crowd.

If you’re like most college students, you probably already have a resume ready to go, but have you ever written a CV?


Just a heads up: If you’re going to be applying for any academic positions either post-grad or while you’re still in school, you will need a CV instead of a resume.

According to the University of Wisconsin, a CV, short for “curriculum vitae,” is “a document that presents who you are as a scholar. CVs are used in academic spheres to organize your education, experiences, and accomplishments in a clear and predictable way that allows readers to skim and find information efficiently.”

When it comes to writing a good CV, a CV that will make you stand out from the crowd, a CV that will make the recruiters want to give you an interview, there are loads of tips out there, either on the internet or in your college’s career office. But today I’m distilling them down into one simple guide.

If you are just starting out with CV writing, or you already have a sketch of a CV but need help bringing it to the next level, then keep on reading. Today, I have tons of CV tips to share.

Below, I’ve narrowed down some of the most important things that I have learned about CV writing. Note that this list is not exhaustive but has things to be aware of before you even think about hitting that “upload CV” button.

Here’s what you need to know when writing a CV:

Table of Contents

1. Start with a Template

To get started writing a CV, it helps to use a template. You can find templates online, but I recommend you start by getting in touch with your college’s careers office, because they work with CVs all the time and can give you an exact template file to work from.

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