Men's fashion guides

Spring/Summer Office Wear Part 1: Boardroom/Corporate Smart


Office wear can be a notoriously tricky subject for writers to approach. The vast number of professions, dress codes and budgetary restrictions to cater for means that finding middle ground is often difficult. Today we’re attempting just that. Hopefully by breaking down the subject into various scenarios and codes of dress, a point of interest can be found ? or, if not, a solid foundation for personal interpretation – for every individual who identifies as a FashionBeans man.

Spring/Summer Office Wear

Now, we all know the basics of office wear. Our colleagues, the employee handbook and ‘the powers that be’ have all agreed the conventional guidelines as to what (and what not) to wear in and around the workplace. However, with the spring/summer season now in full swing, the office wear conundrum is beginning to get a little more cumbersome. With the mercury on the rise from this point on, the question of how to tackle the growing heat, coupled with less-than-effective air-con, is certainly a tricky one. This is hampered evermore by strict dress codes – restricting your choices to the most formal of pieces in your wardrobe.

What To Avoid

Now there are many obvious options that will help tackle the heat, like the short sleeve shirt. Shirts of the shorter sleeved ilk have been on the rise recently, with a rejuvenation of sorts bringing them firmly back into the mind of the modern, fashion-conscious male. However, short sleeves and a tie for the boardroom or a corporate office? Really? The combination smacks of a fast food chain worker or Dave from IT. The only accessories you’ll need with that combination are a name-tag and hairnet. Not to mention that it’s seldom an option to cover up your lack of sleeves with a jacket or knitwear due to the heat. With all this in mind, short sleeves are definitely not the quick fix you’re after. Linen is another great (and obvious) solution to combating the heat. Except it has too much going against it when it comes to applying the fabric to the ‘rat race’. The wrinkles and creasing that offer so much natural charm and appeal simply look scruffy for an office that demands a smarter appearance. The impression of an un-pressed suit is not one you want to give, especially when you’re supposed to be looking as sharp and put together as possible. Finally, absolutely do not simply carry over your suit from last season. We like to think it goes without saying (although we fear it doesn’t) but polyester or wool variations will be a nightmare in the sun. You will not be doing yourself (or anybody around you) any favours by sticking with them. Office wear is certainly one place where having separate wardrobes, theoretically if not literally, is an absolute must.

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