Health & wellnessIngredients

17 Shocking Amla Juice Side Effects On Skin and Health

Amla or Indian Gooseberry is called a divine fruit in the Ayurveda. This incredible fruit is recognized for its amazing health benefits to mankind. Gooseberry is consumed in forms such as whole fruit, juice, powder and even oil. Amla juice also called Amalaki Juice (Sanskrit), Nellikai Juice (Kannada) and UsiriRasam (Telugu) is often recommended for treating several health ailments, particularly for fighting frequent attacks of bacterial infections. Gooseberry juice is also used for strengthening the respiratory tract and supports the digestive system. However, too much of anything can be bad. A lot of people tend to over-dosage the consumption of Amla juice and end up in unwanted health complications. In this article, we shall discuss amla juice side effects in detail.


Amla Juice Side Effects:

While Amla juice has several health benefits, consuming it more than the recommended 10 ml quantity can pose certain health risks. Read below to know about Indian Gooseberry Juice Side Effects.

1. Stomach Cramps:

One of the commonly experienced amla juice side effects is Stomach cramps. It is often seen that people who consume amla in the form of juice every day to gain health benefits can often suffer from cramps. These can be abdominal and can be very dangerous. If a person is having such problems, they should seek doctor help before consuming this. The high content of vitamin C often causes stomach upset if taken in large quantities.

2. Affecting The Hypertension Levels:

Lowered blood pressure levels can be one of the Nellikai juice side effects. This can be problematic for people suffering from hypertension or stress. Therefore if a person suffers from these problems of stress and other blood pressures, they should consult doctors about the proper dosages and then consume this. Amla is known for lowering blood pressure, so if you are on blood pressure medication, better to consult a doctor before drinking amla juice due to its tendency to lower blood pressure.

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