Health & wellness

Christian Meditation Techniques

Meditation is a practice that helps one calm one’s mind and attain complete peace. With the help of meditation you can clear your mind of all its worries for a little while and give it the rebooting that it desperately requires. It is a sort of cleansing procedure that is closely related to praying. The three main principles of meditation are simplicity, silence and stillness. Like many other religions, meditation has appeared plenty of times in Christian rituals too. However these practices have slowly faded from the memories of priests today.

Christian Meditation Techniques:

However in recent times, the practice of Christian meditation has been rediscovered. John Main was the foremost teacher of this practice. After his death, his legacy was continued by The World Community for Christian Meditation, which was founded in 1991.


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Christian monks and nuns have been practices meditation, leading its simple life of frugality and following all its principles. The tradition of using meditation to apply the radicals and gospels of Jesus has been brought down to our generation by the Christian monks, Desert Fathers and Mothers. John Main the primary reviver of this tradition taught from the scriptures and teachings of these very monks.

The key to meditation is simplicity and serenity. Your environment should be calm and peaceful. Sit down, with your back straight and eyes closed. If you wish you can play some soft music in the background. Then you have to chant a mantra or word, preferably the Christian prayer word – maranatha.

As you chant the word, try and forget about the rest of the world. Concentrate only on the word and let it course through your body. Feel all its syllables as you say it again and again till every thought, good or bad, has forsaken your mind. And in this manner you will achieve silence, stillness and simplicity which are the three key S’s of meditation.

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