Health & wellness

How to Use Clove Oil for Teeth?

Teeth form an integral part of the face, where they not only enhance the face value but also extremely important for chewing food. Thus they should be safeguarded and well maintained. One of the most useful products for the maintenance of our teeth is clove oil. It is an excellent natural remedy for any kind of ailments regarding the teeth and also possesses a host of other benefits. If you are suffering from an excruciating toothache and a dentist is unavailable to provide relief, you could always try using clove oil in the affected area, while it might not cure the problem completely, it will give a substantial amount of relief. To use this oil we must understand its origin, Chemical composition, qualities of cove oil, method of using this oil, and precautions to be taken while using it.


How to Use Clove Oil for Teeth?


As the name suggests clove oil is extracted from parts of the cloves plant and trees that are indigenously found near the equator. The cloves are the flower buds that turn reddish brown when dried and the oil is not only extracted from these buds but also the leaves and the stem.

Chemical composition:

Some of the chemicals present in clove oil are eugenol acetate, caryophyllene, iso-eugenol but primarily eugenol is the main chemical that is present in clove oil and is responsible for a host of properties that this oil possesses.

Qualities of clove oil:

Clove oil is therapeutic in nature and possesses numerous healing qualities that are beneficial for treating teeth related problems

1. It has antiseptic properties:

Clove oil is famous for its anti-septic properties .The chemical components present in clove oil are most suitable for fighting off the primary infections and if applied diligently prevents tooth decay

2. Analgesic in nature :

The presence of eugenol makes it analgesic in nature. It is a highly effective painkiller and provides instant relief if not a permanent one.

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