Health & wellness

25 Wonderful Wheatgrass Juice Benefits For Skin, Hair & Health

Wheatgrass is the latest sensation in the health industry. It is called a ‘Superfood’ by health experts, for the innumerable benefits it offers. Wheatgrass juice is a common sight in many gyms and healthcare centres, where it is added to fruit juices and shakes. Packed with a plethora of vital minerals and vitamins, wheatgrass juice can enhance the nutrition levels of your regular food. This miracle drink is also loaded with antioxidants and other powerful agents, which can cleanse your body and repair it from within. That’s not all! The bright green coloured juice offers many more advantages which are too good to believe. Let’s understand some of the key benefits of drinking wheatgrass juice.


What Is Wheatgrass Juice?

Wheatgrass juice is the liquid extracted from wheatgrass. The grass is grown from the germinating seeds of the wheat plant called Triticum Aestivium. The freshly prepared juice is green in colour with a strong odour. It is quite pungent in taste when taken by itself and hence is added to fruit juices, protein shakes and soups.

Is Wheatgrass Juice Good For You?

Wheatgrass juice is dense in nutrition with high amounts of anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial agents. This green goodness is loaded with iron, calcium, magnesium, amino acids and b-complex vitamins. Not to forget the fact that it is one of the major sources of Chlorophyll, which cleanses your body and balances the oxygen levels in the body. There are many more other reasons why wheatgrass juice is an elixir to our health.

Wheatgrass Juice Nutrition Facts:

Here is the nutrition breakup of Wheatgrass juice per 1 oz of serving:

  • Total Calories: 120
  • Total Carbohydrates: 16 gm
  • Dietary Fiber: 8 gm
  • Protein: 8 gm or 16 % DV
  • Vitamin A: 240 %
  • Vitamin C: 93 % DV
  • Vitamin E: 12800 % DV
  • Calcium: 120 mg
  • Iron: 64 mg
  • Magnesium: 31.2 mg
  • Potassium: 824 mg
  • Zinc: 496 mg

Amazing Health Benefits Of Drinking Wheatgrass Juice:

Let’s take a closer look at each of the main benefits of Wheatgrass Juice:

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