Health & wellness

18 Best Zinc Rich Foods List That are Available in India

Zinc is one of the most important minerals essential to the human body. This trace mineral plays a crucial role in supporting the immune system of the body and is also responsible for carbohydrates breakdown. Zinc supports cell division, cell growth and aids in the healing of wounds. Zinc is the element that is needed to help you taste and smell things. It is also one of the important elements that increase the utilization of insulin in the body. It is very important for pregnant women to consume the required amounts of zinc to ensure that the baby is not prone to any birth defects and infections. This article helps you to know about the zinc-rich foods available in India.


Why Is Zinc Important?

Zinc is one of the most essential elements required for the food functioning of the human body. It is key to support your immune system and help the body to stay away from infections. Zinc is also important for wound healing and stimulates cell growth. Children who have good zinc levels can be less prone to diarrhoea and the common cold. Zinc is also important for the good functioning of your senses like taste and smell.

Health Benefits Of Zinc:

The following are some of the best health benefits of Zinc:

  • Zinc can regulate the immune system and prevents infections.
  • Children under 5 years are given Zinc syrups to bring Diarrhea under control.
  • Zinc plays an important role in memory and learning.
  • It can keep the common cold at bay.
  • Zinc can repair skin cells and aid in faster wound healing.
  • Zinc can prevent inflammatory diseases related to age.
  • Studies show that zinc can increase the quality of sperm, thereby increasing the chances of fertility.

What Is The Recommended Daily Allowance Of Zinc?

The recommended daily dosage of Zinc is 8 mg for women and 11 mg for adult men. If you consume more than 25 gm of zinc per day, it could lead to copper deficiency and anaemia. Children’s dosage of Zinc should not exceed 8 mg per day.

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