Health & wellness

Yoga Nidra – A Powerful Method to Relax and Rejuvenate

The vigorous yoga poses and long holds are not meant for everyone. Rather it might take years to master the same. On the other hand, Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep is a simple meditation that can be practised and mastered by all. This simple technique is not only easy to master, but also has multifold benefits. While resting comfortably in Savasana, one can travel through the Pancha Maya Kosha of self and thus be filled with a feeling of wholesomeness. No more do you need to wait for years to practice and master the asanas to liberate yourself. Rather, by practising the Yoga Nidra Poses, you can release stress and anxiety and be filled with inner peace and consciousness almost immediately. In this article, we will guide you through the steps on how to do Yoga Nidra and also tell you about the various Yoga Nidra health benefits.


What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra sleep meditation is the method of taking the body into a semi-conscious state, a state between sleeping and waking up. In this stage, the body of the person feels completely relaxed and free from anxieties and troubling thoughts. Yoga Nidra is performed under the guidance of an instructor. All the other senses of the body are withdrawn, with only one sense working to absorb the instructions of the guide.

Yoga Nidra for Beginners:

Before you begin to practice Yoga Nidra, it is essential to know certain aspects of it. Check out the below tips to know about how to do Yoga Nidra meditation.

1. Use a Peaceful Location:

Yoga in any form can never be practised in a noisy or overcrowded area, especially Nidra yoga. Therefore, before you make up your mind to practice Yoga Nidra, you must choose a location that allows you to practice this wonderful art without experiencing any kind of disturbance. It is best to practice this in your veranda or balcony early in the morning. It helps you experience the beauty of the world and also teach you to appreciate it. If this option is not feasible for you, then you can also use a dark and evacuated room. There is nothing like doing yoga Nidra for anxiety controlling.

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