
Types of Beer: 20 Different Varieties and Brands Names 2022

Beers! These drinks have a different fan base. One may drink alcoholic beverages, but as they say, Beer is an acquired taste. Not everyone loves it, but amongst those who like beers, one cannot live without them. One of the best things about this is there are different types of beers. Variety is what sets Beer apart from other drinks. They are crafted with types of ingredients and formulations, and they vary across regions and countries.

If you are a beer lover, you must know all about these drinks. So let us go ahead and explore different kinds of Beer around us.


Beer and Its History:

Do you know, Beer is among the oldest record and known drinks in history? As per several beliefs, alcohol was first brought out by ancient Egyptians around 5000 BC. The first amongst beers are fermented and formulated by ingredients such as herbs, dates, and pomegranates. Beer made its way to different regions only later, first to the Middle East to Northern Europe. After around 1150, Germans took over the Beer and begun to experiment with fermented sugar, barley, etc. From here on, Europe gave an introduction to the Beer to a new world. By now, it is amongst the most favorite drinks in the world, with thousands of varieties. Isn’t it cool?

Main Types of Beer Styles:

The Beers offer several varieties, but do you know, primarily, most can be segregated according to the styles they offer?! Here are the most popular different styles of beers you may be interested to know about! These are characterized mainly by the type of yeast used in the process of fermentation and where they settle.

  • Lagers: In a simple language, lagers are a technique of bottom-fermenting. In lagers, the ingredients sit in the bottom of the liquids while they are in the process of working. This fermenting here for lagers is at very cold temperatures. As a result, the lagers are very crisp and dry.
  • Ales: Not like Lagers, Ales beer types prefer a perfect fermentation in a warmer and relatively hotter environment. That is why ales are called top-fermented beers. These are stored at room temperatures, and yeast here floats on the surface. As a result, ales have different tastes, depending on the ingredients, from fruity and tasty to bitter and earthy.
  • Stouts and Porter: Most of you may not have heard this, partly because several people throw this category of beer styles into ales in itself. However, stouts and porters beer types have a roasty flavor; they are neither bitter nor very sweet. They are pretty strong in flavor and heavy and intensely dark in looks.

Read: Types of Beer Glasses Suitable for Beer Lovers

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