Health & wellness

How To Improve Your Eyesight Naturally?

We have been gifted with the privilege to view the world at its best and worst and all because behind our little peepers are some of the complex network of optical mesh connected and interconnected to the brain to ensure the smooth mechanism and gift of eyesight prevails. In a nutshell, eye sight is the capability to use your vision to see the world. Now just like any other body part every eyesight has a nerve behind it which at times might malfunction and just like any other body part, even this too is subjected to damage when the term ‘poor eye sight’ comes to scene.

The usual suspects and the most common eye disorder is long sightedness or short sightedness depending on the situation you are suffering. Then there are the diabetes and cataract patients. Cataract causes an opaqueness to cover the eye, causing loss of vision and glare intolerance. Even an undue amount of stress on the optic nerves can cause damage to the eye nerves causing the eye sight to degrade. Some of the common eye sight disorders can be blamed on diseases like glaucoma.


What Are The Causes For Poor Eye Sight:

Poor eyesight can be caused by various different reasons the main reason could be genetics, genetics has a great hand to play in the degradation of your eyesight. To further explain genetics it is the problems that you parents and grandparents have which unknowingly have been passed on to you, and it the case of eyesight this is common factor, it is often seen that people have an eyesight problem because their family has a history of eyesight problems.

Other than genetics high blood sugar are also a instigator of bad eyesight. High blood sugar causes diabetes which in the long run causes a form of blindness known as cataract. Poor eyesight is a problem that 5 out of ten people suffer with today that leaves only 50% of the population with a good eyesight. There have been many advancements to eradicate the problem of bad eyesight so that people can see clear again.

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