Health & wellness

25 Best Omega 3 Fatty Acids Foods List Available In India

Most people have the misconception seeing the words fatty acids and stay away from this extremely vital to health omega 3 fatty acids foods that carry with it several potent benefits. They are perfect for our heart health, reduce blood pressure, and increase good cholesterol in our bodies. In this article, we show you foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Scroll down and check them out here!


What Are Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and What Do They Do?

They are essential nutrients that take care of our health in several ways, such as the following. They work best to prevent heart disease and help to lower our blood pressure. They reduce the formation of plaque in our arteries. Apart from preventing abnormal heart rhythm, they also help to prevent heart disease in people. They can be found in nuts, fish oil, flax seeds, and are rich sources of the top omega 3 foods, which we can easily incorporate into our diet.

How Much Omega-3s Do I Need?

Overall, most of the health organizations recommend a minimum intake of omega 3 foods consisting of 250–500 mg (combined EPA and DHA)daily for healthy adults. However, certain health conditions require higher amounts. The recommended dietary allowance for alpha-linolenic acid is 1.6 grams per day for men, and women need 1.1 grams per day.

Omega 3 Foods Benefits:

Healthwise, omega 3 fatty acids from omega 3 rich foods are extremely vital and crucial for several reasons.

  • They are essential for our brain function.
  • They help stave off chronic diseases like heart disease, inflammation, cancer, and arthritis.
  • They build our immunity and protect us from frequent infections.
  • They help in lowering blood pressure, balance our cholesterol levels, prevent the build-up of plaque in our arteries
  • They stabilize blood sugar levels, take care of digestive disorders, improve our skin health, etc.

Deficiency in Omega 3 food would trigger problems like arthritis, cardiovascular issues, depression, learning difficulties, unhealthy skin, poor eyesight, etc.

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