College life

Trash or Treasure? What to Keep from Your College House

The last few weeks have been rough for me. Leaving behind the university I have called home — and the house that has actually been home — has been a rollercoaster of emotions, to say the least.

I have had to say goodbye to professors and employers who have mentored me, friends and housemates who have shaped me, and a bed that has cuddled me through every moment. (I only love my bed and my mama, I’m sorry!!!)


But here we are. Life goes on and I will, too.

Regardless of where this ending takes me, I am ready for a fresh start. And while the box full of sorority formal award sashes and bowl full of trinkets from the quarter machines outside of Ralph’s Italian Ice remind me of all the great memories I have had…some of it has just got. to. go.

But some of it has to stay, too!

So what’s trash, what’s treasure, and what’s worthwhile to actually take up space in the new life you are embarking on? Start by asking yourself these three questions:

Table of Contents

1. Is it worth packing, moving, and unpacking?

The biggest part of moving out of your college house or dorm is doing just that — moving.

So ask yourself this for each item — what’s it really worth? Is it heavy or hard to move? Does it take up too much space in the car or cost more than what it’s worth to ship?

If most of your answers to these questions are yes, chances are it’s not really worth your long trek and can be replaced.

But don’t fret over this loss. This either means less clutter or more shopping!

2. Does it embody the fresh start you’re looking for?

As people, and especially as college students, we are in a constant state of change and growth.

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