College life

6 More Laundry Tips and Tricks Every Girl Should Know

After all of your great feedback (and tips of your own) on last week’s article, Laundry Tips & Tricks Every Girl Should Know, I decided I’d do a second installment! In addition to asking a few laundry questions, you guys also wanted some advice on laundry baskets and the best detergents.

In my three and a half years at school, I’ve run into every possible laundry problem – from coin machines and leaking detergent to ripped hampers, so I feel pretty qualified to give you guys some advice on avoiding the same mistakes I made!


Hopefully these two articles will help you get the most out of your clothing and make sure that your favorite items last for years. There’s nothing worse than your favorite top getting ruined in the wash, but luckily most laundry accidents are preventable. With tips from the CF community (and an adorable laundry hamper), laundry day can be a day that you actually look forward to!

Table of Contents

Laundry Tips from CF Readers!

The first post in this series got so many amazing comments, including quite a few great laundry tips. Therefore, I wanted to share some of the best ones here in this post, in case you guys missed ’em.

Another tip for keeping colors from bleeding is to get those Shout color sheets. Most of the time I don’t have enough whites for a load so I wash my colors with my light clothes and one of those little sheets and I’ve never had any color transfer!” – Karen

I never use fabric softener on things that pill… it makes a huge difference! Some detergents have fabric softener in them, so I’m careful to not use them eitherLeah

Be sure to wash your clothes in cold water; this will prevent stretching. And if you air dry them, do not hang them from a clothes line. Get some broad hangers to prevent bumps or just lay them out on a flat surface” – Kareem

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