Lifestyle & relationships

100+ This or That Questions – Interesting Conversation Starters



93. Giving or Taking?

Are you more focused on what you can get out of life, or what you can contribute to help others?


94. Believing or Seeing?

Which is most central to your way of thinking: faith or experience?


95. Fitting In or Being Yourself?

Would you rather be part of the in crowd or stay true to who you really are?


96. Talking or Listening?

What is most dominant in your communication style?


97. Shy or Outgoing?

Do you prefer to be a wall flower or the life of the party?


98. Act or React?

Do you prefer to initiate things or hang back and wait for someone else to make the first move in any given situation?


99. Dreaming or Doing?

Do you spend more of your time inside your mind or engaged in activity?


100. Fitting In or Being Yourself?

Would you rather be part of the in crowd or stay true to who you really are?


General “This or That” Questions

This question category includes questions on a bunch of random topics. These would be perfect questions to ask just about anyone.

101. Up or Down?

How do you leave the toilet seat when you get ready to leave the bathroom? Be honest!


102. Under or Over?

Which way should the toilet paper roll go?


103. Laces or No Laces?

Do you prefer shoes that do or do not need to be tied?


104. Country or Rock and Roll?

Which music genre do you like the best?


105. Ticklish or Not Ticklish?

If you say you’re not, be prepared for someone in the room to try and find out if you’re telling the truth!


106. Stomach or Back?

Which position gives you the best night’s sleep?


107. Half a Tank or Long After the Light Comes On?

Do you put gas in your car as soon as it gets to half a tank, or do you wait until you’re running on fumes?


108. Television or Computer?

Which electronic device do you spend more of your time on?

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