
The 10 Best Baseball Movies of All Time

I love baseball. There’s a romanticism to it that other sports simply don’t have. It’s something about how a game can explode into life, the hard yards a player has to put in to get into the majors, and the mental battle that goes on at the plate.

It’s this romanticism that makes baseball perfect for the silver screen. There have been countless movies made about America’s game, but some have been a lot better than others.


Here we’re going to look at the 10 best baseball movies of all time. There are some great works of fiction along with some of baseball’s most compelling real-life stories. We’ve also got some old cult classics along with more modern films. What they all have in common is that they are brilliant baseball movies.

Hopefully your favorite will make the list, but if you’ve not seen any of these, make sure to watch them as soon as possible. Let’s start with the greatest baseball movie of all time . . .

1. Bull Durham (1988)

Many would rank this as their favorite baseball film of all-time and we’ve got to agree. Kevin Costner, Tim Robbins, and Susan Sarandon combine for a memorable film that has everything you want from a baseball movie.

Many people love it as the film shows the industrious side of baseball that we don’t often get to see. It shows the travel and the commitment most players have to go through, along with the struggle to get to the majors.

Costner plays a minor league catcher who’s recently been traded to the Durham Bulls as he enters the twilight years of his career.

His role at the ballclub is to tutor an erratic pitcher played by Robbins. While it’s a comedy in the main, the film is littered with charming moments and a strong storyline. It’s a film that puts on display all the things we love about baseball. The first time you watch it won’t be the last.

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