Lifestyle & relationships

100+ This or That Questions – Interesting Conversation Starters


Online Habits “This or That” Questions

Whether it’s gaming, shopping, or social media, the internet has become a huge part of everyday life. So why not include some questions about online activity in your next game of “this or that”?


21. Instagram Story or Facebook Story?

Which of the two popular story sharing options are you most likely to use, and why?


22. Twitter or Facebook?

Do you like the short, snappy, and sometimes ruthless world of Twitter, or do you prefer the longer, more traditional posting platform of Facebook?


23. Politics or Pet Pictures?

Is your social media page full of heated political rants or cute/funny pictures of your favorite pets?


24. Gaming or Shopping?

Would you rather spend your internet time playing the latest cool games or looking for hot new items to buy?


25. Watching or Posting Videos?

Would you rather watch other people’s YouTube videos, or create your own?


26. Posting or Lurking in Comment Sections?

When it comes to social media or comment sections, do you like to give your two cents a lot, or would you rather just lurk in the background and read what other people post?


27. Keyboard Warrior or Internet Troll?

If you voice your opinions online, do you like to argue passionately for an important cause, or just try to make people mad for fun?


28. Drama or Drama Free?

Are your social media feeds filled with passive-aggressive relationship drama or just low-key posts about what’s going on in your life?


29. Making Money or Having Fun?

Do you go online to look for money-making opportunities, like posting monetized videos or selling stuff, or do you go looking for entertainment?


30. Online or In-Person Dating?

Do you prefer meeting people to date online or when you’re out and about?

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