Lifestyle & relationships

100+ This or That Questions – Interesting Conversation Starters

51. Brother or Sister?

If you have at least one of each sibling, which do you feel closest to and why? If you don’t have either, which would you rather have?



52. Mom or Dad?

Which parent do you feel closest to and why? Who do you act the most like out of your parents?


53. Grandma or Grandpa?

Which of your grandparents do you have the strongest bond with and why?


54. Family or Friends?

Do you feel more closely connected to your family or friends?


55. Far or Near?

Would you rather live a distance away from family and visit them, or live in the same town?


56. Growing Up or Adult Years?

Which phase of your relationship with your family do you prefer? Do you feel closer to them now, or when you were growing up?


57. Siblings or Parents?

Are you closer to your siblings or your parents?


58. Holiday Visits or Year-Round Contact?

Which best describes your interaction with family?


59. Similar or Different?

Are you similar to the rest of your family when it comes to your character, beliefs, and lifestyle, or are you completely different?


Animal “This or That” Questions

Animals are a great question topic for “this or that,” because there’s such a wide variety of them to choose from, including pets, exotic wildlife,and ferocious predators.

60. Cats or Dogs?

Which one is the best furry friend?


61. Birds or Fish?

As the next two choices down on the list of most common pets, do you prefer the ones with feathers or fins?


62. Zebras or Giraffes?

Which exotic animal has the coolest looking pattern?


63. Snakes or Spiders?

Which is creepier, the slithery or the crawling creatures?


64. Sharks or Crocodiles?

Which would you be more terrified to meet while out for a swim?


65. Electric Eels or Barracudas?

Would you rather risk getting shocked or nibbled on?

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