16 Amazing Taro Root Benefits (Arbi) For Skin, Hair & Health
12. Prevents Aging:
Taro root is rich in anti-oxidants which can reduce oxidative stress on the cells, caused due to free radicals. By encouraging new cell growth, Taro root promotes a younger and fresher looking skin. It helps in delaying the signs of ageing like blemishes, dark spots, wrinkles and fine lines.
13. Improves Vision:
Taro root can strengthen the optic nerves with powerful anti-oxidants like beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin. This results in an improved vision and reduced risks of macular degeneration. Taro root is also known to prevent cataracts and other eye disorders. Eat a healthy portion of Taro root to enjoy good health.
14. Boosts Immunity:
Taro root is a great immunity booster. It is loaded with many anti-oxidants like Beta-Carotene which have the potency to fight infection-causing microbes. Taro root can also prevent many common colds and coughs to help you stay away from antibiotics and other medications.
15. Improves Blood Circulation:
Iron and Copper present in Taro root are two most essential components required for proper blood circulation in the body. They help in increasing the RBC count, which are required for oxygenating the vital organs. By reducing the chances of anaemic, Taro root also helps you deal with fatigue, lack of concentration and headaches.
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16. Thickens Hair:
Taro root is loaded with Folate and iron which are essential for the strength of your hair follicles. It helps in adding volume to your hair by encouraging new hair sprouts. Copper present in the root can also prevent greying of hair and making it shiny and black. It is also believed to reduce breakages of hair.
Taro Side Effects:
Listed below are some of the common arbi vegetable side effects:
- Taro roots contain oxalates, which when comes in contact with bare skin, can cause allergic reactions.
- Uncooked taro root can cause burning and itching sensation in mouth and throat.
- It is known to form kidney and gall stones in certain cases.
- Taro root may also aggravate Gout problems.
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