Health & wellness

Healthy Salads for Weight Loss: 10 Recipes You Must-try

We all have an impression of salads being raw veggies and quite tasteless. But with proper guidance and recipes, salads can be protein-packed and fiber-shot foods that give your body the much-needed energy along with losing all the unnecessary weight. We have provided you with a list of salads recipes for weight loss that jazz up your palate with their colourful appearance.

Best Salad Ingredients For Weight Loss:

Preparing a salad recipe is not just mixing ingredients and let us get to know the much-needed salad items for weight loss. It is necessary to maintain a proper ratio of carbs, protein calories, etc., all combined to make for a healthy and fulfilling meal. An ideal bowl of best salad ingredients for weight loss:

  • Dark leafy greens such as baby spinach, rocket lettuce, watercress, and arugula.
  • Watery vegetables like cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, cooked green beans, onions, and sprouts.
  • Protein such as salmon, tofu or beans, chicken breast.
  • Carbohydrates like corn, raisins, peas, and beans.
  • Meager amounts of high-calorie ingredients such as low-fat cheese, candied nuts, avocado, sunflower seeds, etc.
  • Dressings that are heart-healthy such as olive oil, balsamic acid, vinegar or citrus juices, etc.

How Much Salad Should Be Taken As A Meal:

When you want to eat a salad in place of a meal, the contents are all that matters. Prepare yourself a bowl of salad with one or two cups of grated vegetables with leafy greens with a light dressing adding to the taste without drowning the contents. Raw vegetables make for the twice portion size than cooked vegetables. Just like any food, you must control portion sizes and consider the calories and fat in the ingredients you put into your salads to enhance your weight loss efforts.

Best Time To Eat Salads For Weight loss:

Although people around the world eat salads differently, before, during and after the meal, to name a few. But if you are eating salads to lose weight, then consuming them right before you have your meal will be perfect. By taking salad upfront, you consume about 23% more vegetables and fruits that make you feel full, thereby cutting down on the calories during the rest of the meal, making salads for weight loss at home a perfect choice. (1)

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