Lifestyle & relationships

15 Red Flags To Look For When in a Relationship With a Woman

So you’ve matched with an attractive woman on a dating app who seems like the perfect woman. After a few dates, you realize you have a lot in common and really begin to fall for this woman. Then you notice a few things that are a bit off about her. This quickly leads to a few small fights that soon turn into screaming matches. A few months into the relationship and you’re left scratching your head at where it all went wrong.

There’s a good chance your partner began showing a few red flags long before things got terminal. As is the case with many fresh relationships, it is easy to miss or ignore red flags as you really want to make the partnership work. You might laugh off some of their troubling behavior or tell yourself it is nothing to worry about, but your instincts tell you otherwise.


Similar to men, there are several red flags to look out for when dating a woman. We’ve attempted to address some of these problems you may encounter and what to look out for. Some of these might not seem that big of a deal, but they can cause heartbreak and pain further down the line.

The first four are extremely important and have been pinpointed by famed American psychologist and relationship expert Dr. John Gottman as key red flags you need to look out for. Recognized in 2007 as one of the 10 most influential therapists of the past 25 years, Gottman dubbed four of these red flags as The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

So read on to find out more about not only The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse but a number of additional red flags that you need to be on the lookout for.

1. She Is Always Criticizing You

Nobody is perfect and there are bound to be times throughout your relationship where you both criticize each other. But if your partner is criticizing you 24/7 that’s not a good thing. Many people don’t realize that complaining and criticizing aren’t the same thing, even though they seem similar.

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