Lifestyle & relationships

How To Treat A Woman – Top 20 Best Ways To Keep Her

Marketers of all mediums never resist the chance to use the holiday season as an excuse to treat the woman you love like a queen. Luxury goods and services of all makes and purposes are promoted as the optimal sign of devotion, but the mark is woefully missed in that regard. After all, love is a year-round act of devotion, and no occasion is too small or insignificant not to show the woman in your life just how much you respect, admire, and simply adore her.

No two women are alike, and despite all media and consumer claims, only you can truly know the way to her heart. Why not treasure the honor? In an age where women still struggle to have their voices heard, minds and bodies valued, and equal needs met, no one but you can prove that such a thing is not only possible, but well deserved.


The love of a woman is truly incomparable, and what you give will surely be returned tenfold. Understanding what makes your goddess tick may not be an immediately easy feat, but once you earn the key to her heart and trust you’ll be the luckiest man alive.

Women were born to worship the men they love, but never forget that it works both ways. To be fully cherished, happiness is meant to be shared. Every season is the time to show the lady in your life what she means to you, through travel, adventure, sensuality, intellectual and creative pursuits, and simple everyday pampering.

Best of all, treating her well can be a shared pleasure, and one worth savoring all year long, if not forever. Discover below how to treat a woman with the top 18 best ways to keep her around.

1. Give Her Direction.

But don’t control her; you don’t own her. When it comes to deciding on where to eat or what activity to do, don’t second guess yourself over and over. If she wants to be indecisive fine, but you as a man must always be sure of both your words and actions. Lead with confidence, not constant self-doubt.

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