Hair care

Witch Hazel for Hair: Benefits & Uses That’ll Surprise You

Who would have thought that you could get so many benefits for your hair with witch hazel? You may be surprised at how terrific this simple product is and provides numerous advantages for your hair and skin.

Do you suffer from the effects of psoriasis, dry scalp, or dandruff? Are you concerned about the condition of your hair? There is no reason to suffer any longer once you introduce witch hazel into your daily beauty routine. We have compiled a comprehensive list of the many benefits and uses this simple, natural product has for your hair.



Witch Hazel for Hair

The extract from this remarkable plant has a multitude of health benefits. You may know how it can help your skin, but there are many other advantages for your hair and scalp that it can bring with regular use.

These benefits include:

  • Effectively cleans your scalp
  • Reduces oil buildup
  • Helps combat dandruff
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Aids in hair growth
  • Minimizes pain
  • Decreases redness
  • Relieves scalp sensitivities
  • Combats scalp irritation
  • Increases blood circulation in the scalp
  • Treat side effects of psoriasis
  • Fights off bacteria
  • Help to heal any scar tissue

Witch hazel is packed full of antioxidant nutrients that aid in protecting your skin when you apply it topically. This natural plant compound known as tannins that makes up this everyday product boasts a host of advantages.

Although much of the studies have involved animals and test tubes rather than human subjects, the results are positive and hopeful. These trials have found that using witch hazel can reduce skin damage and even prevent skin cancer growth.


The Uses of Witch Hazel

No matter what age you are, hair can be an essential part of your persona. As you age, your hair can become thinner, making your scalp more visible. Both men and women will lose more hair as they grow older, and the growing process may slow down significantly. Your hair strands can become smaller, and you may notice pigment loss.

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