Hair care

Bentonite Clay For Hair: Benefits & Uses

You would probably never guess that clay formed from volcanic ash could nourish your hair. In fact, bentonite clay can nourish the skin, hair, and even digestive tract. The clay itself is soft but forms a yogurt-like paste when mixed with water.

Up to this point, much research has used animal and cell models to gauge the effectiveness of bentonite clay, so no one knows how truly effective it is for humans. Supposedly, bentonite clay absorbs oils and dirt from the skin and removes toxins from the body.



Benefits of Bentonite Clay For Hair

Below, we’ll look at some benefits and uses of bentonite clay for hair. Keep in mind that much of this evidence is anecdotal, and more studies need to confirm these benefits.

Balances Oil Production

Bentonite clay works to balance how much oil both the skin and the hair produce. Bentonite removes toxins from the body by binding to their molecules or ions. When you remove the mask, or when it leaves the digestive tract, the clay takes the attached toxins with it. It works the same way with hair.

Bentonite clay has negatively charged irons, while many heavy metals or bodily toxins have a positive charge. When two objects have opposite charges, they’ll stick to each other, making it easier for bentonite clay to attach to and then remove toxins.

Some people like to use bentonite clay as both shampoo and conditioner since it removes excess dirt from the hair just like regular shampoo. Bentonite clay might even work as a more natural, less harsh alternative.


Supports Hair Growth

Bentonite clay contains natural nutrients, like calcium, sodium, and potassium, all of which help with hair growth. It’s also the reason many people consume bentonite clay like a regular supplement.

It also cleanses the hair follicles and removes dead skin cells from the scalp, making it easier for hair to grow. It doesn’t stimulate the scalp, per se, but it can at least clear away built-up gunk on your scalp.

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