
25 Beautiful Long Hair Quotes to Show Your Love for Long Hair

Having long hair is an experience all its own. There are some things ladies with short hair will never know about having long hair and vice versa! Many of us use our long hair as our security blanket, trimming and coloring it as our tastes change. And one thing is for sure about having long hair: it’s a sure-fire way to get those red carpet glam looks!

Whether you’re absolutely in love with your long hair or you waver between love and hate, a long hair quote or saying may be just what you need to feel heard.



Quotes About Long Hair

Let someone else do the talking for once! These quotes about long hair will help you express yourself. And when you’re feeling ready for a style update for your long hair, check out these long hairstyles to get ideas!

1. Long hair is a statement of patience – you are willing to wait as long as it takes for the things that matter to you.


2. I have a love/hate relationship with my long hair, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.


3. Long hair is a curtain of security. It offers a certain kind of comfort nothing can replicate.


4. Long-haired girls have the power to charm the whole world.


5. I like my hair as long as my list of achievements.


6. The length of my hair is equal to the length of my happiness – and I want it to be infinite.


7. I want to be that woman with the long hair and zero cares.


8. The only problem I want to have is whether I put my hair in a ponytail or not.


9. My long hair is part of who I am – it covers me when I am cold and gives me strength when I feel vulnerable.


10. Long hair is great. It makes you look attractive and it hides you from awkward situations.


11. I like keeping my hair long and my life exciting.


12. Having long hair is more than just a hairstyle – it’s a lifestyle you learn to live and never let go.

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