Health & wellness

11 Effective Ayurvedic Medicines To Increase Height Without Side Effects

It is hard to see people being affected by their short height, mentally and emotionally, and it is tough to find a realistic way to add a few inches. Also, this, however, does not mean it is totally impossible, though. One of the solutions you might not even have known; you were looking for is height gain ayurvedic medicine for height increase. Ayurveda is a medicinal practice associated with a wide range of ailments being treated. It is a very natural, holistic type of medication that causes no side effects by providing cures based on mixed herbs that occur naturally. Did you know that Ayurveda is one of the best remedies for adding a few inches to your height? Here is an essential and detailed guide to the top ayurvedic medicine for height growth products to get taller.

Short height can be due to heredity reasons, lack of proper nutrition, deficiency in essential vitamins and minerals, substance abuse, lack of sufficient physical activity, endocrine/ hormonal problems, mostly related to the hypo-functional pituitary gland. Also, issues with bone formation and calcification are responsible for shorter stature and build.


Ayurvedic medicine for height like kayakalp, abhyanga, Nasya, and Rasayana, are some of the best Ayurvedic medicines for increasing height. Further, these medicines help in strengthening the muscles and relieving tension from body tissues, rejuvenating body, bestowing anti-aging benefits, and improving the functioning of vital organs, immune system and endocrine system in the body.

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian science that makes medicine with only natural and medicinal herbs. The best part about Ayurvedic medicines is that they are mostly free of side effects. Ayurvedic ways to increase height provide maximum benefits if they are consumed in pre-puberty and puberty years because that is when the natural tendency of the body to grow taller is at its maximum. However, it can also be helpful, if consumed by the age of 25 years in men and 21 years in women. The results yielded by Ayurvedic Height Growth are slow and can be appreciated only over a few months.

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