Health & wellness

What Is Dharmachakra Mudra, Benefits and Steps To Perform?

Yoga comprises of both asanas and mudras. Mudras are hand positions that have specific effect on the flow of energy in the body. Among these mudras is the Dharma Chakra mudra, which was first used by Gautam Buddha during his early sermons. Dharma means “law” and Chakra means “wheel”. Dharma Chakra mudra means “the wheel of law”. It represents a circle, a symbol for continuity. This mudra reflects the continuous flow of energy in the body. It is also called the “Kalachakra”, which means “The Cycles of Time”. Dharma Chakra mudra represents the union of inner world with the outer world.

This mudra is performed along with Padmasana and is effective in calming our mind and maintaining positivity. In this article, we shall discuss more about DharmaChakra Mudra meanings and steps to perform it.


[Read: Dhyana Mudra of Buddha]

What Is Dharma Chakra Mudra?

Dharmachakra mudra pose is single of such motivating plus unique hand sign utilized in Buddha statues that means the wheel of Dharma in Buddhism. The Dharmachakra mudra is moreover identified as gesture of Teaching of the Wheel of Dharma. This sign depicts single of the most important instant in the Buddha’s life as he carry out the Dharmachakra mudra in his first lecture in Sarnath later than he attained explanation.

In Dharmachakra Mudra, the thumb plus index finger of both hands touch at their tips to shape a circle. This circle indicates the Wheel of Dharma, otherwise in metaphysical terms, the union of method plus knowledge.

  • The right-hand fingers point to 3 essential teachings of Buddha.
  • The middle finger means the ‘listeners’ of the teachings.
  • The ring finger shows the ‘solitary realizers.’ The little finger indicate the Mahayana or ‘Great Vehicle‘.
  • The left-hand fingers designate the three Jewels of Buddhism, the Dharma, the Buddha plus the Sangha.

Importance Of Dharma Chakra Mudra:

Dharmachakra in Sanskrit means ‘Wheel of Dharma’. This Mudra is single of turning the wheel of the Dharma otherwise teaching. This mudra is mostly linked with Buddha’s first teaching.

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