Health & wellness

What Is Dharmachakra Mudra, Benefits and Steps To Perform?

[Read: Garuda Mudra – Eagle Gesture]

Dharma Chakra Mudra is generally practised with Padmasana to attain maximum benefits. Mudras are believed to affect the flow of energy in the body by unblocking chakras. They have incredible health benefit which include destressing the mind and also alleviate a lot of ailments like diabetes, hypertension etc., Dharma Chakra Mudra helps in clearing a chaotic mind and shift the focus towards learning. It removes negativity and steers our mind towards optimistic thoughts. Regular practise of this mudra can elevate your mind above mundane aspects. By the end of the session, you are likely to feel relaxed and blissful. We hope you practise this mudra and reap good benefits.

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