Fashion tips

4 Fashion Guides Inspired by Hulu’s The Great

Photo courtesy of Hulu.

Hulu’s recent hit show, The Great, tells the “occasionally true story” of the spitfire and fashion-forward Catherine the Great. This Russian Empress has been a major inspiration to women around the globe.

In Hulu’s reimagination of Catherine the Great’s life, we get to see how a young Catherine, played by the amazing Elle Fanning, adjusts to her new life in Russia as the wife to the cruel leader, Peter III.


Throughout the show, we see Catherine learning how to be a proper leader (in hopes of overruling her husband), so that she can advance Russia to a brighter future.

The Great is full of wonderful moments, hilarious dialogue, and women’s empowerment. Not to be overlooked however, is the costume design. The drool-worthy wardrobe was crafted by costume designer Emma Fryer.

The clothing in The Great is glorious. From ruffles to delicate frills to over-the-top skirts and wigs, this show is full of candy-colored style inspiration.

If you are interested in seeing modern day style guides inspired by The Great, keep scrolling.

{Editor’s note: If fashion from period pieces is of further interest to you, be sure to check out 4 Modern Looks Inspired by the 2020 Adaptation of Emma.}

Table of Contents

Hulu The Great Fashion, Outfit #1: Pastel Darling

Photos courtesy of Hulu.

Unlike most of the ladies at court, who are often wearing over-the-top dresses in jewel tones, Catherine usually settles for simpler styles in pretty pastels.

This style of dressing sets her apart from Russia’s society and highlights her personality. They also are a perfect disguise for making her appear sweet and innocent as she plots to dethrone the Emperor and rule Russia herself.

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