Health & wellness

How To Practice Jnana Yoga?

Yoga is part of ancient Hindu philosophy. It has several different paths that lead to enlightenment or improvement of your body or repairing your soul. Yoga gives us peace of mind and even helps our soul transcend to a higher level. However different people respond differently to the various yogic paths available.


What is Jnana Yoga?

Jnana Yoga is also called Gyaana yoga. It is one of the four yogic paths spoken of in the Hindu scriptures. The Geeta speaks of its use to expand one’s knowledge of one’s own body and its powers. ‘Jnana’ in Sanskrit means knowledge. This yogic path is based on the Hindu principal of Nondualism. Its main principle is ‘Advaita Vedanta’. ‘Advaita’ means nondual and ‘Vedanta’ refers to the Vedic knowledge.Vashishtha, Adi Shankara, Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj are the foremost teachers of Jnana yoga.

[Read: Kapalabhati Pranayama for Beginners]

What is the definition of Jnana Yoga?

Jnana Yoga is one of the three classical types of Yoga and is termed as the “Yoga Of Meditation”. As per Advaita Vedanta. Jnana Yoga is defined as the “absolute consciousness awareness” that can be achieved through study and meditation.

Jnana Yoga Methods and Stages:

Jnana yoga is one of the direct routes to enlightenment or self-realization. It helps you identify what is truly going on with someone. It helps you segregate the truth from the lies. There are three main stages in this path.

  • The first stage is called Sravanam, which literally means listening. In this stage, the guru guides its students to the correct path. He/she teaches its disciples all the teachings that have been mentioned in the Vedas, while the students listen and assimilate all the teachings of their guru. The stories and analogies used by great gurus of this path have been recorded and retold several times!

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