Health & wellness

15 Best Home Remedies For Ringworm For Instant Relief.

We all have fungal infections at least once in our life. Unlike the name, ringworm is a condition caused by a fungus called tinea and not a worm per se. Home remedies for ringworm help you treat this skin condition from further spreading, giving you relief.

The dead tissues of your skin, nails, and hair are the places this fungus thrives, affecting those areas predominantly. Ringworm develops a scaly, red rash that is itchy and looks like a worm hence the name.


Read on to know more about how the home remedies help you keep the infection under control and effectively treat the rashes.

Causes of Ringworm:

Here is a list of things that can cause and spread ringworm.

  • The critical cause of ringworm is coming in contact with an animal with this fungal infection. Although it is relatively common in cows, it spreads while petting dogs or cats.
  • Coming in touch with a person who is infected with ringworm.
  • The fungus that causes ringworm may reside on objects or surfaces touched by an infected person.
  • If you contact any object used by an infected person, it can cause and spread ringworm.
  • Although it is rare, sometimes infected soil may cause and be the reason to spread of the infection.

15 Best Home Remedies for Ringworm:

Although it may seem like a crisis, by adhering to the home remedies mentioned below regularly, you will be able to treat the symptoms of ringworm effectively.

1. Garlic for Ringworm:

Garlic is a common ingredient found in many households that has many health benefits. It helps treat ringworm with the help of bio-active compounds like allicin. It also treats the infection by exhibiting anti-fungal properties (1).


  1. Three cloves of garlic.
  2. Few drops of coconut oil.


  • Crush the garlic and make a smooth paste by adding a few drops of coconut oil.
  • Apply the paste to the affected area and leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Clean your face with lukewarm water.
  • You can try this remedy till the rash disappears completely.
  • Caution: Stop using garlic if you have any irritation or stinging feeling.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar for Ringworm Treatment:

Apple cider vinegar helps combat the infection, causing fungus with its anti-fungal properties, enabling you to recover quickly (2). When you apply it topically, you can get rid of the ringworm effectively at home.

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