Health & wellness

Steps to Practice Vipassana Meditation Technique

Vipassana is an ancient meditation technique that was taught by Gautama Buddha thousands of years ago. It is about insight meditation and observing things closely. It helps you confront reality and know yourself in a better way. This kind of meditation is definitely not some kind of religion; it can be used by anybody and everybody. Its motto is to free you from all kinds of pain and sufferings.Learning Vipassana meditation technique enables you to focus on just one item and prevents your mind from drifting into diversions. It makes the mind attentive to all the processes and changes happening in your body and enables an increased awareness of your body.


What is Vipassana Meditation?

Said to have taught by Gautam Buddha himself, Vipassana is one of the ancient meditation techniques. It is different from the other forms of meditation like Samatha in terms of technique and focus area. While the other meditation focuses on bringing inner calm and tranquillity, Vipassana aims to bring insight to self. Normal meditation uses the technique of focussing on certain object, sound or prayer to help in concentration. Vipassana on the other hand aims to cut off from all the thoughts that makes you mind wander aimlessly. This technique aims to make you fully aware of yourself, including every single change that happens in your body.

Benefits Of Vipassana Meditation:

Practising Vipassana regularly can help you cut off from negativity and life a life that you are truly aware of. It helps you realise the purpose of your existence and make you aware of reality. The following are some of the benefits of Vipassana Meditation:

  • Developing better rationality in thought process
  • Reducing mental stress
  • Alleviating the desire of material wants
  • Higher concentration levels
  • Attention to details
  • Living closer to reality
  • Appreciation of the present times
  • Making more meaningful discussions

Vipassana Meditation Techniques:

Before you learn how to do Vipassana meditation, you need to understand that Vipassana has two different stages, for the beginner and the advanced and because of its benefits; Vipassana has become one of the most popular meditation techniques in the world today. The basic understanding and outline of Vipassana has been described in this particular article.

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