Health & wellness

20 Effective Home Remedies To Reduce Piles (Hemorrhoids)

For many of us, bathroom time becomes a nightmare due to a medical condition called Piles or also known as Hemorrhoids—constipation for prolonged period results in piles. When the waste expelled from the rectal area of the human body is not smooth and requires a lot of pressure, it creates fissures in the rectum area, causing inflammation. If you don’t treat the inflammation right away, the pores and blood vessels swell up with extra pressure. Lack of proper treatment at the right time may worsen the situation even more. Go through the home remedies to control Piles that will help you relieve the pain they cause.


What Is A Hemorrhoid:

When the veins in the anus and lower rectum are swollen, then they are called Hemorrhoids or Piles. Many people get affected by this condition unknowingly, but sometimes they resolve on their own. But if a person has chronic issues of constipation that result in fissures around the rectal area, resulting in internal and external hemorrhoids. However, once you determine the problem, several remedies help you treat piles naturally.

Causes Of Piles:

Forceful extermination of bowels results in the straining of nerves that lead to inflammation-causing piles. Some of the reasons that cause hemorrhoids are listed below:

  • Staying in the bathroom for more extended periods.
  • Chronic constipation.
  • Obesity.
  • Anal sex.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Strain during bowel movements.
  • Heavy-lifting regularly.
  • Low-fiber consumption.

Symptoms Of Piles:

Hemorrhoids or piles can result in a lot of pain and discomfort. Some of the signs that can affect your lifestyle are:

  • Burning sensation around the anus.
  • Bleeding after bowel movements without pain.
  • Itching in the anus.
  • Fear of passing stools.
  • A blood clot in the form of a lump in the anus area.
  • Discomfort when you try to sit.

Natural Home Remedies For Piles:

Here are some of the natural ways you can treat piles from the comfort of your home.

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