
3 Major Types of Fans and Their Uses for Home

Fans have become an integral part of our life. Did you know the uses of fans? Well, most certainly you do! They are not only the ones that will give you some cool air but are also the ones used in the bathrooms and kitchen as the exhaust kind. All these fans have vanes in them that rotate on the air. These vanes are also known as the blades. These fans are mostly powered by electric motors and some of them however uses hydraulic motors, solar power or even internal combustion engine. Technically, anything can be called as a fan, as long as the vanes or blades in them produce currents of air. They produce air flow in high volume and through low pressure. These blades will rotate when it is exposed to an air stream. Here are some of the uses of this product.

  1. Coolants: Fans are used in vehicles to act as cooling agents, thus preventing over heating and saving the vehicle from any damage. They are also used as a cool source of air at homes and other spaces.
  2. Winnowing: Another wide spread use of fan is for winnowing. Winnowing is the process of separating chaff from cereals. They are used in industries.
  3. Removing dust: Fans are also used in vacuum cleaners, where the dirt is sucked out of objects such as carpets, door mats, curtains etc.

However, the first known use of fans started as a punkah fan, which was handheld in around 500 BCE. It was made of bamboo or sometimes from other plant fibres. With the British rule, the punkah was meant to mean as a large fan fixed to the ceiling and that’s what we see today.


Types of Fans for Home:

We often think fans are just one of a kind, the one that gives us air. What we fail to see is the many kinds it comes in. Here are some of the kinds of fans that are available and what they are used for. Check them out.

1. Axial Fans:

The axial fans come with blades that allow the air to force itself to move parallel to the shaft, around which the blade typically rotates. This kind of fans are typically applied in air conditioning and other industrial areas. They are used mainly in small cooling fans and sometimes as coolants for the giant fans that are used in wind tunnels. The following are the areas of application of the axial fans.

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