Health & wellnessIngredients

10 Amazing Amla Churna Benefits for Hair, Skin and Health

Did you know that the ancient Indians revered Amla as a ‘DivyaAushada”? It literally translates to “Divine Medicine”, as it had the power to cure many ailments. One of the best ways to consume this nutrient powerhouse is in the form of a dry powder. Today, we shall look into some of the amazing Amla churna benefits for health, hair and skin to understand its importance to our daily life!



What is Amla Powder or Amla Churna?

Amla Churna is the dry and powdered form of Amla fruit or Indian Gooseberry (Emblica Officinalis). You can identify it by a typical brown colour, raw smell and a mix of pungent, astringent and bitter tastes. Amla powder is used as a nutritional supplement or medicine by combining it with other ingredients.

Amla powder is also called Usirikayapodi in Telugu, Amalaki Churna in Sanskrit, Nellikai Podi in Tamil and Kannada etc.

Is Amla Churna Good For Health?

Amla Churna is a key ingredient in many ayurvedic medicines. Even modern science accepts that Amla Churna does wonders for the body, as it is rich in many nutrients like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The powder contains high amounts of Vitamin C which can treat many disorders like digestive problems, hypertension, scurvy etc (1). Along with that, Amla Churna also offers many beauty benefits for skin and hair.

Amla Powder Nutrition Facts:

Let us look into the nutritional profile of Amla Powder per 5 gms of serving size:

Total Energy: 10 Calories

  • Total Fat – 0gm
  • Total Carbohydrates – 3gm
  • Cholesterol – 0mg
  • Dietary Fiber – 3gm
  • Vitamin C – 60mg
  • Potassium – 2mg

How To Make Amla Churna At Home?

Amla Churna is quite easy to make at home. All you need is some fresh Amlas, plenty of sunlight and a little bit of patience.

Here’s how you can make Amla powder at home:


  • Amla Pieces – 1 Cup (Deseeded)

Preparation Method:

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