
Amazing Benefits Of Drinking Coconut Water During Pregnancy

Who doesn’t like to drink coconut water? A glass of coconut water can make very refreshing and energising on a hot and tiring summer day. Drink the coconut water during pregnancy. If you like its taste and want to reap its numerous benefits. However, don’t get lured towards coconut water with a dream of having a fair baby. As nothing like that is going to happen due to coconut water. Read here to know the various benefits of nariyal pani during pregnancy and also clarify the numerous myths doing the rounds around it.

Drinking coconut water during pregnancy:


Coconut water in pregnancy can help you to maintain the daily required levels of fluids. As well as electrolytes in the body. It is also a great way to keep yourself hydrated.It is great way to enjoy a nice refreshing drink while also maintaining a good health.

Nutritional value of coconut water during pregnancy:

The following are the nutritional value in 100g of coconut water.

Nutrient Quantity

  • Water
  • Calories 19Kcal
  • Carbohydrates 3.7g
  • Protein 0.7g
  • Fibre 1.1g
  • Fat 0.2g
  • Vitamin C 4%
  • Potassium 250mg
  • Sodium 105mg
  • Calcium 2%
  • Iron 1%
  • Magnesium 6%

Where g=grams, mg=milligrams.

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Benefits of drinking Coconut water during pregnancy:

Here Are Some of The Benefits of Drinking Coconut Water During Pregnancy.

1. Balancing the Daily Fluid Intake:

During pregnancy, your body needs more fluids to help maintain and replenish. The need that you as well as your unborn baby have. When you drink coconut water in pregnancy. it supplies you with the additional fluid levels that you need at this stage. It helps to improve and increase the volume of blood in your body. It also helps to maintain the volume of your amniotic fluid and help your unborn baby to move around better. While you are pregnant, you should ideally have about 3 litres of water daily. Regular foods provide about 20 per cent of your daily recommended fluid intake. Additionally, you should get at least 2.4 litres of fluid from water or other sources. A good source being coconut water.

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