
Why Can’t I Grow A Beard? How To Grow A Beard If You Can’t (2022 Guide)

If you’re reading this, chances are you can’t grow a beard. And unfortunately for you, the fact is that some men just can’t grow beards no matter how hard they try. They research how to grow facial hair hoping to find a secret formula, drug, or vitamin they can take to start growing a thick beard.

Below, we’ll discuss the reasons why you can’t grow a beard and factors affecting why you may never be able to. Finally, we’ll show you exactly the steps you need to take to grow a beard if you can’t, including ways to get a thicker beard faster.



  • 1 Why Some Men Can’t Grow Beards
    • 1.1 Genetics
    • 1.2 Age
    • 1.3 Lack of Testosterone
  • 2 Other Factors Affecting Beard Growth
  • 3 How To Grow A Beard If You Can’t
    • 3.1 Be Patient and Stay Committed
    • 3.2 Improve Your Health
    • 3.3 Take A Multivitamin
    • 3.4 Talk To A Doctor
  • 4 You Can Grow A Beard

Why Some Men Can’t Grow Beards

If you can’t grow a beard, it doesn’t necessarily mean that anything is wrong with you. In fact, the topic of facial hair growth is an extremely complicated one and might not have anything to do with your health. To simplify things, we’ll start with the three most important variables that come into play when determining whether or not you can grow a beard. In no particular order, these are genetics, testosterone levels and the way your body reacts to it, and age.


It’s a somewhat unfortunate truth that beard growth is highly dependent on your genetic makeup. Not only can your genes determine whether or not you can grow facial hair, but they also control how much, how thick, and where your facial hair grows!

In general, most males have about the same level of testosterone in their bodies. But studies have shown that men with thick beards are highly-responsive to testosterone, and therefore grow thicker, fuller beards faster! Simply put, despite the idea that facial hair represents manliness or virility, not being able to grow a beard has everything to do with genetics, assuming you are completely healthy.

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