Health & wellness

Top 7 Baba Ramdev Yoga for Back Pain

Are you facing strong back pain? Today the life of human being becomes extremely hectic as of lot of work at home, office otherwise anywhere. Yoga is extremely ancient plus natural as well as plays an effective role in the treatment of the different diseases, relieving depression, anxiety, depression plus tension.


Baba Ramdev is a self-proclaimed yoga guru. Yoga is accountable for the healing a lot of illnesses plus provides healthy physical in addition to mental state. Yoga is a therapeutic cure for most illnesses plus offers an in general healthy mental plus physical state.

Top 7 Yoga Poses For Back Pain:

Here are our 7 poses of baba ramdev yoga for back pain as follows us.

1. Majariasana:

  •  Sleep in table top circumstances on the floor plus look straight.
  •  Lean your head and curve it downwards.
  •  Boost up your upper back and shoulders and bounce them to the ceiling and should be stretch your hands.
  •  Do not alter your hands from the ground. Go on stable for some time and then reduce.
  • By this pose to reduce back pain effectively.

2. Bhujangasana:

  •  This pose is moreover recognized as ‘the cobra poses’ otherwise ‘the snake pose’. Initially, rest on the ground on your stomach.
  •  Your head must be calming on the chin plus place your hands by the body in order that your palms calm on the floor.
  •  Hold up your upper body plus chest over floor with turn your upper body backwards also appear in the air.
  •  Lock your eyes then relax. By doing this pose regularly you may avoid back pain.

3. Kandharasana:

  •  Rest on the ground on your back. Put your hands next to your body.
  •  Maintain your legs straight. Fold up your legs from the knees in such a way that your feet are located on the ground.
  •  Exhale plus try to pick up your upper body off the ground. Grasp your feet by your hands moreover attempt to hold up your position.
  •  Relax.

4. Double Leg Rises:

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