Health & wellness

9 Best Yoga Poses For Sinus And Headache Relief

Yoga is a common practice in the ancient Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Yoga for Sinus Relief is effective because some yoga positions involve the muscles that are affected. In older times, when medicine and technology were less advanced, yoga was the prime technique of curing ailments. Yoga was also a cultural practice in those days and was practiced by most people. Hence, medical research proved that sinus treatment in yoga is an effective cure to treat and give mental peace and rest to the mind. Several effective improvements effectively is seen on inculcating yoga for sinus relief in our daily routine. It has no side effects, and along with curing sinus, yoga for sinus infection has a lot of positive benefits on both the mind and body.


What is Sinusitis?

Sinusitis is the inflammation or swelling in the nasal cavity and sinuses. Healthy sinuses are filled with air, but toxic fluids can get caught in these air passages. These fluids are conducive for the growth of germs and bacteria. This leads to the inflammation and irritation of the sinuses. The symptoms of sinusitis include –

  • Blocked/runny nose.
  • Lack of sense of smell.
  • Facial pain or pressure.
  • Fever.
  • Congestion/difficulty in breathing.
  • Bad breath.
  • Fatigue.
  • Headaches.

Yoga Poses for Sinus Treatment:

Yoga is a powerful form of fitness and can cure several diseases without any side effects. The yoga for sinus problem is a natural and organic way to get into a better lifestyle.

Let us take a glimpse at the best yoga poses that deal with sinus relief.

1. Kapalbhaati Pranayama:

Sinuses are found in the forehead, cheekbones and behind the nose. When there are blockages in these areas due to infections, these areas swell up and cause pain. To reduce the pain and to avoid the formation of bacteria, pranayama is recommended. Kapalbhaati is pranayama, or a breathing technique in yoga poses for sinus, which helps in releasing the mucus collected in the affected areas and relieves sinus pain.

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