Tattoos with meaning

What Does Whale Tattoo Mean?

Whales also have the ability to elevate our mood. They swim through the spheres to reach the Akashic records and open us up to the world allowing us to understand our emotions and what impacts those feelings.

As the whale comes in to your life you will find self-examination becomes the normal. You may need some alone time to gather your thoughts. You are narrowing your focus like whale sonar, so you can listen to your inner voice or whatever you believe in.


This is the time to ask yourself if you are in a safe space. Is the energy around you positive or could you use some help? The whale tattoo reminds you to grab hold the whale and let it carry you into positive energy.

In the Bible’s story of Jonah, the whale turns out to be a redeemer, a transformer and a sacred teacher. She is the tool of Jonah’s rebirth and spiritual enlightenment. As is in the case of Jonah, the whale calls to us to wake up and appreciate there is more to our reality than what we think we know and the physical world

Wandering with the whale beneath the waters of our mind opens a different world in our awareness. Psychic attentiveness flows when the whale surfaces again and everyone takes a breath of fresh air.

The magnificence of the whale symbolism and its meaning cannot go unnoticed. As it is a spiritual guide, there are times when we are in over our head and sailing into bad water, so to speak, and the whale can bring us out. It was never promised this would be easy but if you follow the guidance of the whale, he will direct you to calm waters.

Many say that it is a blessing and symbol of good luck to see a whale swimming. They are even looked at as a “perfect creature” for those civilizations who make their hope on the sea. These animals are extremely intuitive and will come help when you are in need. If you ask those with a whale tattoo, they say that power can be invoked from knowing it is inked on you.

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