Tattoos with meaning

What Does Phoenix Tattoo Mean?

The phoenix is a mythical creature that is said to be immortal. It is depicted with great plumage that is typically set ablaze. Even without any special meaning, the phoenix tattoo usually looks fantastic on the skin because it is a unique looking (mythical animal). However, these tattoos are often much better when you do use one of the great meanings. On this page we will go over the origins of the phoenix and plenty of excellent phoenix tattoo meanings.

It is legend that the bird set itself aflame to die and then was born again three days later from the ashes. In tattoo form, you can easily depict this by placing the phoenix over flames. You can also show the phoenix coming out of the ashes if that image works better for the meaning you want to use. Either way, it creates a striking image that will turn some heads.


This fiery bird is known in a variety of cultures, each with their own meaning and symbolism of the phoenix. This is important because you might find that your ancestors looked at the animal differently than others did. This could help you to narrow down your phoenix tattoo meaning options. In most cases, though, people decide to use more modern phoenix tattoo meanings since they are usually more obvious to outside observers.

Possibly the most popular phoenix tattoo meanings is life. Obviously this is a very wide-reaching meaning that just about anyone can use. The reason why the phoenix represents life is because it is known for wanting to live so badly that it would continue to die in order to come back to life. If you are the type of person who either loves every part of life or doesn’t want to miss a chance to do something great with your life, the phoenix tattoo might just be the one for you.

The phoenix, like many immortal creatures, can also symbolize time. The “time” meaning can mean different things to different people. It can mean that you don’t want to watch the days go by without doing something in your life. It can also mean that you recognize that you only have so much time to make the most of your life. In both cases, these are very powerful phoenix tattoo meanings that could work for most people who are interested in getting the phoenix tattoo.

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