Tattoos with meaning

What Does GRL PWR Tattoo Mean?

In current times, our society has come a long way in terms of women’s’ rights. Compared to years ago this is true, however, there is still a long way to go. Women face new challenges these days and most people don’t seem to care. Data from the U.S. Census Bureau of 2016 shows that women are 35% more likely to live in poverty than men. One in eight women lived in poverty as of 2015 as well as one in three single mothers. In addition, more than half of the nation’s 14.5 million children that are poor live in families headed by women.

Much of the reasoning behind these statistics is because women are more likely to be over represented in low wage jobs, under compensated and more likely to take unpaid jobs for caregiving. In order to start changing some of these issues we have to start investing in employment initiatives, support systems and education.


This shows you some of the struggles women face and it is no surprise that women have banded together for support and to make changes. There are many ways this act of togetherness has happened. We’ve seen women come together for the Women’s March on Washington D.C. We’ve seen women come together to raise awareness through different groups and organizations as well. One thing we are seeing women do to raise awareness along with these other great ideas is getting tattoos that represent girl power. The girl power tattoo or shortened as GRL PWR tattoo is something that has really taken off as of late and we are happy to see it. As fans of tattoos and seeing women treated fairly, these GRL PWR tattoos are right up our ally.

In this post, we will talk about the GRL PWR tattoo and the history behind it. We will talk about where it came from and why so many women are running to get this tattoo. We also discuss some of the different variations and placements of this tattoo, so you feel more informed about this idea and make you a bit more comfortable when you go get your very own GRL PWR tattoo.

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