Tattoos with meaning

What Does Wave Tattoo Mean?

Nature has its way of impacting us is ways that can be positive or negative. From the winds that provide us the means to cool down or the means to tear up a home in a tornado, to fire which can heat us or burn things to the ground, nature is very temperamental. This is why nature has been worshipped since the beginning of time. The sheer power it possesses lets us know that we are not in control. In the case today, we are talking about water and more specifically, the wave. Waves are formed from a mixture of things but they can provide us a lot of good times and things like electricity if you harness the power. Waves can also destroy whole cities if they are big enough. This is why many people try to harness the power of the wave by getting it tattooed on their body.

The wave tattoo is extremely symbolic and it has a great deal of meaning. Not only does the wave tattoo symbolize many traits, it also looks great and it is important to many cultures around the world. Everyone respects the ocean and the waves that it is able to create and by getting your own wave tattoo, you can try to get some of that respect as well.


In this post we are going to talk about wave tattoo meanings and what it symbolizes for those that choose to have the image immortalized on their skin. We will also talk about what this image means in different cultures and how it might be tattooed in different variations. We hope you take something from this post so you feel more informed about waves going forward.

Facts About Waves

When talking about waves, we usually think of water. Those crashing waves that land on the beach. You might also think of waving your hand back and forth to say hello to somebody. If we are being technical, the definition of a wave in terms of physics is a disturbance that travels through matter and space while transferring energy along the way from one spot to another. If you are studying waves, know they move energy and not matter.

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